Ravelry Nouveau Mode Foncé- Ravelry New Dark Mode
English will follow
Aujourd'hui, Ravelry a annoncé à ses utilisateurs un nouveau «Dark Mode». Ce qui d'après les commentaires étaient dû et appréciés.
Effectivement, un grand nombre de site, forum, application offre à ses utilisateurs un mode foncé. Cependant, pourquoi offrir un mode foncé? Il y a trois raisons pourquoi il est mieux d'aller avec un mode foncé ou sombre.
- Réduire la fatigue des yeux. Comme vous le savez depuis la pandémie encore plus, le temps passé devant les écrans d'ordinateur nous fatigue. La luminosité associée aux couleurs clairs est beaucoup plus agressif que le noir.
- Réduire la consommation d'énergie. Plus que c'est lumineux plus que ça consomme de l'énergie.
- découle de la raison 2, économisez de l'énergie c'est meilleur pour l'environnement et nos portefeuilles.
Today, Ravelry announced a new Dark Mode to its users. Which according to the comments was due and appreciated.
Indeed, a large number of site, forum, application offers its users a dark mode. However, why offer a dark mode? There are three reasons why it is better to go with a dark mode.
- Reduce eye fatigue. As you know from the pandemic even more, the time spent in front of computer screens tires us out. The brightness associated with light colors is much more aggressive than black.
- Reduce energy consumption. The brighter it is, the more energy it consumes.
- Stems from reason 2, saving energy is better for the environment and our wallets
Now do we like the
dark / dark mode of Ravelry?
It is certain that at the time, the change
is bizarre, when you are used to the pastel colors of Ravelry. However, when
you switch from Balwen Mode (Dark Mode) to Herdwick Mode (Pastel Mode), your
eyes are immediately attacked by the brightness of the old mode. In other
words, you quickly get used to the change of mode.
While browsing, the Ravelry site noticed
that everything is in dark mode when we make the change, there is no forgotten
page (in any case, I haven't found any yet) that jumps out at us with its
What I like less are the little plus, they are yellow... and I'm not a fan of yellow.
What I like about this dark mode is that the photos of our projects or our wool inventory seem to stand out more, see the example in the photo below.
Ultimately, it's a matter of taste. I believe the job has been well done, personally I will now opt for the Balwen mode. And you?
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